Monday, January 12, 2009

The Happy Grasshopper

Storyteller: Maria
Grasshopper: Kaisa
Butterfly: Liisa
Ant: Silver

Storyteller: It was a horrible day. It rained a lot. The grasshopper was very wet. And he was still unhappy. Then suddenly he saw a butterfly.
Grasshopper: Hi Butterfly! How do you do?
Butterfly: I'm fine, thanks. You look wet.
Grasshopper: Of course I'm wet. It's raining!
Butterfly: Come under my wings.
Grasshopper: Thank you. I need to find a karate teacher.
Butterfly: I'm sorry. I only teach judo.
Grasshopper: I can't find a music teacher, I can't find a karate teacher and I don't like judo!
Storyteller: The grasshopper hopped away. Soon he met an ant.
Ant: Hi! I'm a little ant!
Grasshopper: Who said that?
Storyteller: The grasshopper accidentally steps on the ant.
Ant: Ouch! Help!
Grasshopper: Sorry! I didn't see you!
Ant: No problem.
Storyteller: So the grasshopper hopped on and on.

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